My So Called Life

Last watched 2014 Summary: Angela Chase (played by Claire Danes) is a typical high school girl. She has hit that age where she’s trying to figure out who she is and how to navigate the world. She has an atrocious crush on the ‘bad boy’ of the school that baffles everyone around her and sometimes…

Faking It

Last watched February 2015 Summary: Karma and Amy are best friends. By accident they are outed as lesbians, even though they are not. In the super liberal Texan area they live in, this is not a bad thing as they suddenly become super popular. They continue the ruse because they are teenagers and make bad…

Fresh off the Boat

Last watched 2015 Summary: Eddie Huang’s Taiwanese family moves from Chinatown in Washington to Orlando, Florida, to open a cowboy themed steak restaurant. Eddie’s father heartily embraces American culture and the American dream, Eddie’s mother struggles with living in a largely white neighbourhood. Opinion: I love how much Eddie loves hip hop. I love the…

the Fosters

Last watched 2015 Summary: Stef Foster and Lena Adams have 3 beautiful children; Brandon, who is Stef’s biological son, as well as twins, Jesus and Mariana. They take in two additional foster children, Callie and Jude, after Callie comes out of juvie and Jude is placed in an abusive home. After a time they become attached…

Kids on the Slope

Last watched 2015 Description: Kaoru Nishimi is a shy honour roll student. His keeping-to-himself changes when he meets renegade Sentaro Kawabuchi who introduces him to jazz. Through this friendship, and through learning to play jazz, Kaoru learns that there is more to life than good grades. Opinion: I’m really underselling it there with the summary. Most…


Last watched early 2016 Description: Rita Madsen is a teacher with more than a little rebellious streak. She’s fucking the principal and she is rather antagonistic towards structure and authority. She has a mean streak but she also takes a shine to the totally socially nerdy teacher, Hjordis. They make an odd (but cute) pair….

Freaks and Geeks

Last watched August 2010 Description: Lindsay Weir and her younger brother Sam attend William McKinley High School during the 1980–1981 school year, in the town of Chippewa, Michigan. Lindsay is going through a transition phase, finding herself with one foot in the group “geeks” and one foot in the group “freaks”. The freaks consist of Daniel Desario,…